Is Crate Training Really The Best Way To Train A Puppy?

May 29th, 2016 by admin2014

TIP! Spoken directions should be made using a simple, concise and forceful tone. Yelling and screaming at your dog is counterproductive.

Why did you want to get a dog? Maybe it was the cute as a button pup or the big, beautiful eyes that got you. No matter what your reasoning for getting a dog, having a well trained one will be ideal. That takes training to accomplish! Here in this article, you’ll find some great ideas to help.

TIP! Try to see things from your dog’s perspective. A lot of owners get frustrated when their dog is not understanding a basic command.

When training, find a verbal clue your pet can understand so they will know exactly when to do as you say. Using an affirmative word can help your dog understand they did their part and it is time for a treat.

TIP! When using a crate to train your dog, you’ll want to make sure that you select the right size. You should keep in mind that your dog will get bigger.

Be careful not to spend too much time at once training your dog. Dogs can only handle a short amount of training at a time, so don’t overdo it. Training sessions should be limited to about 10 minutes of time or less.

Primary Reinforcement

TIP! When training your dog, make sure to have fun with him too. When you play with your dog, you help make a stranger bond between the two of you.

Primary reinforcement should be used when canine training. With primary reinforcement, you use something that your dog loves when it needs to be rewarded for positive behavior. It could be a treat, a toy or even a rub with some kisses. The best rewards are things your dog already likes and wants.

TIP! Your dog should exercise a minimum of one hour per day. Also, ensure that you regularly train your dog and take him or her out for bathroom breaks.

To train your dog efficiently, you must learn how to be firm with it. Never scream at your dog, you need to do the right thing and be nice to them and stern at the same time. This will help develop a strong bond during your training session.

TIP! Train your dog in a positive manner. If you are happy with your dog, give him pets, happy words and the occasional treat.

Use a steady and commanding tone when speaking to your dog. Dogs are often closely attuned to a trainer’s mindset and feelings. It is okay to be stern when disciplining your dog.

TIP! Maintain your dog’s training throughout its lifetime. Your dog doesn’t stop learning just because it’s no longer a puppy.

While you are in the process of housebreaking your puppy, expect the occasional accident to occur. If your puppy has an accident, clean it up straight away. If the mess stays on the area for too long, it can leave a scent behind that your animal may return to in the future to do his business. Buy a product specially designed to neutralize odors.

TIP! Be very mindful of the way you speak to your dog when you train him. Dogs can feel what they’re masters are feeling.

In puppy training, socialization is of the utmost importance and must begin early. You need to show them what is acceptable when they are around people and their pets. Devoting time to socialization early in life will enhance your pet’s comfort in unfamiliar situations.

TIP! If you’re taking your dog on a trip, take all of his gear with you. In order to have a pleasant trip, food and water bowls, bathroom bags and paper towels are necessities.

With consistency, you can train your dog to hold on longer. Spend plenty of time with him, and go outside with him once an hour. When the dog relieves himself outside, give him praise. If your dog has an accident in the house, never harshly reprimand it. He doesn’t know any better and yelling at him will not help him learn. Make a habit of walking him around fifteen minutes after eating or drinking anything, and after coming out of his dog crate.

TIP! Is your dog getting proper nutrition? A dog who is not eating a healthy diet is much more prone to hyperactivity, bad behavior and aggressiveness. Find out what your dog’s breed needs in terms of nutrition and then meet those needs.

Is your pet dog eating healthy? A bad diet can really change the behavior of even the best dogs. You might be surprised by how dramatically a change in diet can affect your dog’s behavior. Consult your veterinarian about any special dietary needs that your dog might require.

Teach your dog the difference between right and wrong. Everyone in your house needs to set these boundaries too. This can undo any progress you have made.

TIP! A crate is your dog’s best friend during house training. In order to maximize the effectiveness of your crate training, you must make sure to allow your dog out consistently.

If you see your puppy chewing on something he should not be, you need to stop him immediately. Redirecting your puppy towards a chew toy teaches him what is appropriate to chew on. This can prevent further damage to your possessions.

TIP! As you train your dog, consistency is vital. Use the same words or phrases for commands and speak them in the same tone each time.

After reading this article, you have the necessary knowledge to effectively train your dog. There are many useful tips in this article. Few things are more gratifying than a healthy relationship with your trained pet. However, training does take time. All of the time and work spent on training your dog will have paid off once you finally have the chance to give your pet a command and watch them obey. Cull through the tips to find those that best suit your environment and pet.

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You And Your Canine Training: Successful Tips For The Future

May 27th, 2016 by admin2014

TIP! It takes a while for a dog to get comfortable in a crate. Don’t take it too fast; introduce the dog at his own pace.

Every dog should have some sort of training to help correct poor behaviors and to adapt to their new living environment. You can find some valuable information on how to properly train your dog right here.

TIP! Positive reinforcement is important when training your dog. If you give your dog some treats at the proper time, they will respond to training.

Your dog will get used to its crate if it can feel at home in it. At meal times always put their bowl of food inside the crate leaving the door open the whole time while they are eating. This will give your dog a positive association with the crate.

TIP! Look at it in your dog’s point of view. Frustration may come quickly if your dog does not pick up your training of basic things quickly.

Keep your dog well exercised and active. When dogs have nothing to do, they can get bored. Bored dogs are harder to train. If you have a happy, exercised dog, they will listen better. Walk or run your dog frequently.

TIP! Don’t allow your dog to jump on you when you get home. During playtime allow your dog to be feisty, but teach him to remain calm when someone enters a room.

It is easy to train a roll with treats. The first step is to teach your dog to lay. Next, hold the treat close to the floor on one side of the dog’s head, and slowly bringing it upwards and over to the dog’s other side. The dog ought to follow his treat with the nose, prompting him to flop his entire body over. Say the command, “roll over” when he rolls over. Do not let a lack of early success frustrate you. This takes repetition to nail down, but once you do, you will have the star dog on the block.

Shock Collars

TIP! Keep treats on hand to reward your pet for doing good. First, make sure the dog is in a laying position.

Stay away from training devices such as shock collars. These things rarely work as promised, and they’re usually much more expensive compared to the traditional training methods. Additionally, the use of devices such as shock collars can break your dog’s spirit and ruin him as an enjoyable family pet. These methods of training generally fail.

You need to teach your dog how to walk when on a leash. This will help to keep both of you safe while taking walks.

TIP! In addition to regular walks and dog training sessions, you should make time to let your dog exercise for at least one hour every day. Making sure that your dog gets enough exercise makes your training sessions a lot more effective and it will also encourage your dog to have good behavior.

Practice patience when you are training your dog. Using patience helps prevent frustration for both you and the dog. Understand that your dog actually wants to please you, however he/she can be confused with what it is you want them to do.

TIP! When you’re training your dog, it is important that you understand primary reinforcement. With primary reinforcement, you use something that your dog loves when it needs to be rewarded for positive behavior.

Remember to enjoy the time spent with your dog during training. Try and develop a bond with your dog by playing with him, it will only encourage the dog to want to please you more during training. Although training itself is fun, it is good to spend time each day just playing with your dog because you can.

TIP! Try to limit the amount of accidents your dog has while toilet training. Watch your dog carefully and learn the signs that they need to go outside.

An untrained dog can be a disaster for your home. With the advice from this article, however, you should be better prepared to go out there and teach your dog the right skills.

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Give Your Dog Positive Encouragement When Training

May 25th, 2016 by admin2014

TIP! Be careful not to reward bad behaviors without realizing it. This means you must not reward your dog with attention or treats for doing something you don’t want it to do.

If you are completely lost on where to begin training your dog, you need not worry for you have already taken the first and most important step, which is looking for information or you would not be reading this. This article contains exactly what you are looking for.

TIP! As your dog becomes better when it comes to dog training, you can start giving it more freedom. Maintaining a proper balance between obeying your commands and having some freedom will lead to a happier dog.

Rewards are essential to effective training. Treats are great to give your dog when he does something good, but timing is very important when doing so. A dog doesn’t always know when it’s being rewarded if they don’t get a treat at the proper time.

TIP! The first step in leash training your new puppy is by putting a collar on him while you play with him. Having the puppy get comfortable wearing the collar is important not only so that you can properly use a leash but also that your puppy has the proper identification tags in case he or she takes off.

Make sure you establish feeding routines and times for your dog. Training your dog to expect that when fed, once or twice a day, you will be removing the food bowl in 10-15 minutes, will lay down a feeding schedule that your dog will adhere to. Your dog will eat their food in the time that you have alloted.

Chew Toys

TIP! In dog training, socialization is of the utmost importance and must begin early. He has to understand what is okay when it comes to being around dogs and people, too.

In an effort to alleviate your puppy’s teething pain, give him plenty of chew toys. You also need to try to have other items he might chew on out of his reach. Replace the item immediately with one of the dog’s own chew toys. If teething is causing your dog a great of pain, give him a frozen washcloth to chew on and relieve the pain.

TIP! One vital piece of dog training advice is to be resilient and never give up. Your dog requires consistent reinforcement of training, or he may quickly forget what he has learned.

When you train your dog, you need to establish control. You must command your dog’s respect by being able to maintain discipline, or his obedience will be out of the question. Don’t let your dog control the direction or pace of your walks.

TIP! Is your dog getting proper nutrition? Like kids, dogs can get really hyperactive and unable to focus when their nutrition is not up to spec. Alter your dogs diet to make sure they are getting proper energy during the day.

Training sessions should be very short. Dogs have short attention spans. Having short training sessions will prevent training becoming a chore for your dog. When you want to train more, give the dog a break and come back later.

TIP! Challenge your dog to try new things and maintain the old things. Try giving them “quizzes” to see what they know, even if you know they will succeed.

You should teach your dog how to lay down. This command is a basic one that can be built upon. The “down” command is excellent to use when your dog is exhibiting aggressive behavior.

TIP! To be successful with dog training, it is important that you are consistent in both the amount of time you provide and the schedule you follow. It takes consistency and repetition for dogs to learn.

Even though it may not be easy, you should always be patient with your dog. Your dog is not human and does not speak or understand English. Your dog only picks up on gestures and tones while not understand why you are acting a certain way. Be cool and take breaks when you get frustrated in certain training sessions.

TIP! To teach your pooch the “sit” command, approach him with a treat while he is standing. Place your hand and the treat behind your puppy.

Dogs all exhibit certain behaviors, so make sure you have your house set up to accommodate them. Any dog requires a healthy diet, room to move about freely and constant stimulation.

Crate Training

TIP! Utilize a method of training known as the ‘shake-can.’ To make a shake can, simply place several coins into an empty soda bottle and tighten the lid.

When you are going to be housebreaking a dog, you should consider crate training. For crate training to be effective, you must make sure to let the dog out frequently. Once properly trained, a dog that has been crate trained is less like to have an accident.

TIP! Keep an eye out for triggers for unacceptable behavior with your dog and be sure to distract him from those triggers. For example, if it is difficult for your dog to be around other animals, you should distract him with praise and entertainment in order to keep him preoccupied when you walk past animals during your walks.

Keep your dog invested in its training by improving the treats as you go. Using treats that your dog does not usually receive help to convey they message that your training sessions are special.

TIP! Your dog needs to exercise its brain too. For dogs that don’t chew excessively, canine puzzle toys can appeal to your dog’s senses and stimulate his problem-solving skills.

When your dog is six months old, get them neutered or spayed. Obedience training should be put off until this is done. A dog that has been spayed or neutered will be a more obedient dog. You will be able to better enjoy the time you have with your dog and they will be happy and healthy.

Use this information to accelerate your own dog training efforts. You can also use this information to help people that need help with puppy training.

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Eliminating Problem Dog Behaviors With Proper Training

May 23rd, 2016 by admin2014

TIP! When you are using a dog crate in your training, you need to help your dog get used to it as his home. Leave food near or inside the crate and leave the door open.

Training your dog is among the most important aspects of your pet’s life. Training your dog is something that will be repaid to you over the future years because you will have a happy and healthy dog who respects your family and listens to you when necessary. Read on to find out some other reasons canine training is vital to the health and happiness of your dog.

TIP! Don’t allow your dog to jump on you when you get home. Playtime with them is great, however, they must learn to be calm when you’re entering a room.

As you train your dog to use the bathroom, keep in mind what whatever they eat will also come out. To ensure that your dog’s bowel movements remain regular, feed him or her some high-quality food a minimum of twice per day during the same times daily. This way, you will have a good idea of when your pup needs to go out, so that there is less of a chance that an accident will occur.

TIP! Give your puppy his own toys that he can chew to remove pain due to teething, and keep him away from chewing other items. Give it one of his chew toys immediately.

When approaching a strange or unfamiliar dog, approach slowly, while allowing the dog to sniff the back side of your hand. Doing so builds up trust with the dog. After the dog becomes familiar with your smell, he’ll start to trust you and listen to you.

TIP! Repetition is what causes a dog to learn. It may take as many as fifty repetitions before your dog learns the command.

If your dog jumps when you don’t want him to, gently squeeze his paws. It’s uncomfortable, but not painful. If you do this, they will not jump up on your or visitors any longer because they will think about you squeezing their paws.

TIP! You must begin your relationship with the dog as the boss for any training to be effective. If the dog does not understand that you have control he will ignore your commands and act with outright disobedience.

Stick with positive reinforcement when it comes to training your dog. You can use treats, toys, positive speech and even belly rubs. Under no circumstances should you be violent or aggressive with your dog in response to negative behaviors. This is ineffective and will just convince your dog that you don’t know what you are doing. The ideal results from training your dog come from efforts that are positive in nature with consistent and firm applications.

TIP! You can show your dog how to do tricks, get some treats. Initially, try to get your dog to lay on the floor.

Using different tones for different training purposes can be a useful tool in training a dog. Giving a command or correcting a negative behavior requires an authoritative tone, while praise can be softer. You need to talk to them in a firm tone of voice if you are correcting them.

TIP! Vary your tone of voice when going through training sessions. Use a clearly defined tone for different commands, encouragement or directives.

Whenever you go for walk with your dog, keep your eyes peeled for other dogs. Some dogs tend to be aggressive, and it’s not safe to assume that every dog owner is responsible. If you see a dog that seems to be that way you should always steer clear, especially if you have your pet.

TIP! Giving praise to your dog for a job well done is important. Acting super excited can help your dog to understand that you are happy with their behavior.

When training your puppy to use a leash, wrap a collar around him while the two of you are playing. By making your puppy comfortable to wearing a leash, he will be more apt to keep it on.

TIP! Does your dog consume a healthy diet? Dogs are like children in the sense that bad diets lead to them acting bratty and hyperactive. If your dog’s diet is poor, then change it to include nutrition that’s appropriate for him.

In conclusion, it’s a wise investment to train the dog. Without the advantages of proper training, a dog will overrun his home, reek havoc on his family and probably not be very wanted. By using the advice in this article, your dog can become a well-behaved, well-loved member of your family that everyone can enjoy!

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Canine Training Advice That All Dog Owners Should Read

May 21st, 2016 by admin2014

TIP! Your dog’s diet plays a huge role in their training and establishing a definitive feeding routine is important. A predictable feeding schedule and removing the food promptly will teach them to eat their food quickly.

Dogs of all sizes generally have the same mindset. If a person understands that mindset, one should not have any problem training whatever kind of dog they choose to get. This article will address such things as learning a dog’s temperament and how to train a dog with that in mind.

TIP! Repetition is what causes a dog to learn. It may take 25-50 tries before your dog understands a command consistently and thoroughly.

When you are working on crate training with your new dog or puppy, always take steps to let them know it’s their home. At meal times, try to place their food in the crate by leaving the door wide open while they’re eating. The crate will then become associated with the food they love.

TIP! To house train your pup, get him on a set feeding and potty schedule every day. This allows you to know when your dog has to go and take him outside to do his business before your carpet gets ruined.

Encourage your dog to be as active as possible. Dogs can get bored very easily. A bored dog will try and find something interesting to do, and training is not usually interesting. When your dog is exercised and is happy, training will be easier. Lead your dog on the path to fitness by walking or jogging every day.

TIP! Create a specific command to stop your dog when it barks. When your dog barks, show them a treat and repeat the order, for instance, ‘be quiet’ until it stops barking.

Give your puppy some toys to chew on so they do not hurt while teething, keep other things they might want to chew on out of their reach! Replace the tasty item you do not want chewed with a designated chew toy. If painful teething is the problem, let the puppy chew on a wet washcloth that has been frozen.

TIP! Be consistent when training your dog. If more than one family member is taking part in training the pet, be sure that each person utilizes the same commands as well as a similar discipline and reward system.

Dogs can concentrate on one thing intensely and you will have to learn to break his attention. Eventually, you will be able to ensure that your dog is more focused on you and your commands than other distractions.

TIP! Control your tone of voice when reinforcing your dog’s behavior, whether positive or negative. Your dog can usually tell how you are feeling.

When you train your dog, you need to establish control. Put yourself in an authoritative position, so that your dog knows to obey you. When walking with your dog, always walk first, never let your dog lead, as this is the leadership position.

Dog Understands

TIP! Always avoid offering your pet a reward for bad behavior in the hopes of snuffing out an undesirable action or tendency. This is sure to send the message that the dog has free reign and can control you.

Make sure a reward is always handy for whenever the dog does what you want. You want to make sure that your dog understands that he has accomplished a good thing. This is the best way to ensure that the dog understands the difference between right and wrong.

TIP! When training your dog, it is important to remember to keep the training sessions relatively short. Fifteen minutes is about the right time to work on a training task, spending much more time than this will frustrate your dog and set back progress.

“Leave it” is an important command to teach, starting when you bring your dog home. This simple command is beneficial in making him stop on chewing furniture inside the house.

TIP! Don’t teach your dog bad habits by reinforcing them. If you’re amused and it shows when they are acting improperly, they’ll do it again.

Your dog’s training should never end. A dog still learns, even as an adult. Your dog will continue to be obedient if you use reinforcements. Continuing discipline with them will reduce the chances of bad behavior appearing.

TIP! If dog agility appeals to you, make sure to select a breed well-suited for that. Competitive agility dog breeds include Shetland sheepdogs, Labrador retrievers, border collies and Australian shepherds.

Be certain to maintain consistency in training. When many members of a family are working to train a dog, be certain that each person uses identical commands, rewards and discipline. The dog will learn more easily if he learns a single set of commands and if he knows what response will be received for his behavior.

TIP! Consider using a crate when house training your dog. Always take your dog out consistently if you want to be effective at crate training.

You will be a better master if you understand your dog. Training programs that make use of such insight, along with thorough preparation, tend to be highly successful. If one learns about their dog then one will be able to train him better.

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Train Your Dog Easily By Following This Guide.

May 19th, 2016 by admin2014

TIP! Control how much you reward your dog. If the dog follows commands correctly, you should reward the animal only if it is calm.

If you want a trusting, obedient dog, it is important to begin training immediately. Training can be stressful at times, but learning as much as you can beforehand can be extremely helpful. You should read this article and keep these hints and tips in mind.

TIP! If you have a focal point for your dog to pay attention to, he will ignore all other distractions he would normally be tempted to watch. If you are consistent and use repetition, your dog will start to wait for your signals before focusing on something.

Make the dog know that the crate is it’s home when you are doing crate training. Feed them in their crate and keep it open for them to come in and out. This creates a positive association between good food and their new crate.

TIP! When house training a dog, keep in mind that whatever they take in, they must eventually eliminate. You can promote consistency and regularity by feeding your pet on a firm schedule two or three times daily with only the highest quality of food.

Rewarding your dog properly and generously is important when it comes to training them. If you give your dog some treats at the proper time, they will respond to training. A dog doesn’t always know when it’s being rewarded if they don’t get a treat at the proper time.

Ask Yourself

TIP! Decide on a single phrase to use when housebreaking your new puppy. When you take your dog out, repeat this command.

Ask yourself how your dog is seeing things. Frustration may come quickly if your dog does not pick up your training of basic things quickly. It might make things easier if you ask yourself what is going on in your dog’s mind. You should think about how your dog might see things in the world.

TIP! Every time you speak a command, it should be with the same tone and loudness level. They will know this tone of your voice and associate it with being in trouble.

Be sure to keep your dog active and engaged a great deal of the time. Almost all dogs have short attention spans. When a dog is bored, he will be hard to train. You will find that your dog will pay more attention to you when it is exercised and happy. Before every training session, prepare your dog by taking them for a walk.

TIP! If your canine jumps on top of you, gently grab their paws and squeeze them; this will tell them that they cannot jump. It’s uncomfortable, but not painful.

Consistency is key in crate training a puppy. Always give the pup the option to go to the bathroom after leaving his crate. The dog will eventually learn that there are proper times to go outside and use the restroom.

TIP! Primary reinforcement is a proven principle that is useful in training dogs. Primary reinforcement involves utilizing something that the dog loves to reward good behavior.

You should always say commands in the same tone and volume. This lets them know you’re serious and that they must obey. It can also help the dog realize the distinction between disciplinary tones and other types of commands.

TIP! Never give up on your dog, no matter how exhausted you are. Through constant and positive reinforcement, you will be able to train your dog to retain the behaviors you teach them.

Take caution when near an unfamiliar dog and offer them a chance to sniff your hands. This gives a dog a chance to become familiar with your personal scent, which engenders trust. When a dog recognizes the scent, they won’t fear you and will follow commands.

TIP! Your dog needs to learn what ‘down’ means. This will be particularly helpful in emergency situations.

Don’t extend training sessions. The attention spans of dogs can be limited, and therefore it is necessary to keep training segments brief so that the animals do not grow bored and disinterested. If more training is desired, work in some break times so your dog can play before continuing with training.

TIP! Even when he tries your patience, you must consistently show patience and care. Sometimes we forget that our pets don’t understand our language, much less our thoughts.

When training your puppy to use a leash, wrap a collar around him while the two of you are playing. It is important that your pup gets used to wearing the collar so that it can use a leash correctly and so that it has proper ID tags in case it gets lost.

TIP! Avoid reacting the wrong way toward unwanted behavior. If for some reason the animal perceives that you are amused by the performance, he may deliberately repeat the unwanted behavior to elicit a response.

You cannot succeed if your dog refuses to heed your voice. The information above contains good canine training techniques. It requires patience and time, so don’t give up because your pooch didn’t listen to you the first time. Obedience training comes down to patience and repetition.

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Training Your Dog? Check Out This Advice!

May 16th, 2016 by admin2014

TIP! Put yourself in your dog’s proverbial shoes, or paws, rather. Sometimes, training will get frustrating, but you will need to have patience.

Training a dog really first requires the owner be trained as well. Before an owner is able to train their dog, they need to know what they are doing themselves. You’re not born with knowledge of training your dog, so you need to learn how to do it. This article offers some good guidelines for first-time dog trainers.

TIP! Make sure your dog is eating a healthy diet. Feeding your dog bad food is very bad for several different reasons.

Looks at it from your dog’s point-of-view. It’s easy to get mad if your dog is not doing the basic things you teach it. Instead of completely giving up, consider looking at it from their perspective. Imagining things as they see things may give you a different perspective in training them.

Teething Pain

TIP! Pick a consistent phrase to use with your puppy while house training. When you are outside with the puppy, say the chosen phrase to keep him focused on the task he is to accomplish.

In an effort to alleviate your puppy’s teething pain, give him plenty of chew toys. You also need to try to have other items he might chew on out of his reach. Replace the tasty item you do not want chewed with a designated chew toy. A frozen washcloth is a great way to help your pup ease his teething pain.

TIP! Early in your training, teach your new pup to “leave it.” This command tells him to drop the item and step away.

Consistency is key in crate training a puppy. When you allow the puppy to come out of the crate, you have to immediately and without fail give him the chance to relieve his bladder. Over time, the puppy will learn to wait until he is in this location.

TIP! Don’t overdo your training sessions, keep them brief and interesting for best results. Spending too much time just on one aspect of training will bore your dog and waste your efforts.

You should not tie up multiple dogs where they can reach each other, no matter how friendly they are. The two chains could get tangled up. This could panic you dogs as he tries to get free and he could potentially hurt himself. For example, a large dog could tangle the chain with a smaller dog, wrapping the chain around the neck of the small dog, causing it to die.

TIP! Your dog training needs to be consistent. If more than one family member is taking part in training the pet, be sure that each person utilizes the same commands as well as a similar discipline and reward system.

Monitor your own behavior to ensure you aren’t reinforcing your dog’s negative behaviors by mistake. Don’t ever reward a dog that is behaving badly. If they jump on you, don’t pet them, for example.

TIP! A good tip is to make sure you are aware if other dogs are present when you are walking your dog. You need to be well aware of any dogs that seem aggressive.

When training your dog, one of the first commands they should be aware of is the “drop” command, which lets them know they should drop any items they have in their mouth. This will help prevent them from chewing on your furniture or other items, as well as prevent them from having dangerous items in their mouths.

Stop Barking

TIP! Make sure you’re praising your dog so that you enforce positive behavior. Get excited, smile, and give treats to help your dog relate the good behavior to something positive.

Train your dog to stop barking with a treat. If your dog barks, repeat the order, offer a treat when they stop barking and pet them to show you are satisfied. When your dog quits barking, offer him the treat. If you do this long enough, it will surely be able to associate having treats to it being quiet.

TIP! Let your dog socialize, which can really help to develop their skills. Your pet must know how to behave when it is around other humans and dogs – this isn’t something you could teach it otherwise.

Overworking a new puppy with new information will only lead to trouble. Puppies can only handle small amounts of training, so it is best to keep training to short but intense periods of time. Overdoing it could cause them to forget what was learned, and they may see the training as negative; thus, making sessions harder for you later.

TIP! By being consistent in your methods, it is possible to teach your dog to “hold it.” If at home, be sure to spend some time with him and bring him outside every 50 minutes.

Using a loose leash is key when you are training your dog to accept a leash. Dogs want to see what’s going on around them at all times. Your dog might pull on their leash. If you know what you are doing then you will train them to walk on a leash with slack.

TIP! Learn your dog’s signals to help prevent accidents inside. Dogs will behave in a certain way when they start to ‘feel the need’.

Now that the people who are interested in training their new pet dog have, hopefully, learned some new tricks, they can proceed to pass them along to their pets. Once a dog is on its way to learning, the owner will begin to appreciate the dedication that he or she has shown for doing the right thing for man’s best friend.

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Simple Training Your Dog Tips For Any Dog Lover

May 14th, 2016 by admin2014

TIP! Rewarding your dog properly and generously is important when it comes to training them. It’s very important to provide treats at the proper time.

Training a dog really first requires the owner be trained as well. That is true because, in order for an owner to succeed in training your dog, they must learn certain things on their own accord. You’re not born with knowledge of puppy training, so you need to learn how to do it. This brief discussion will provide assistance in understanding dog training.

TIP! Your dog’s diet plays a huge role in their training and establishing a definitive feeding routine is important. Your dog should be fed at the same time everyday and they should only have a certain amount of time to eat.

Always treat a dog after completing tasks. Giving a treat is how you show your dog that you appreciate the behavior. Doing so leaves no question as to whether a behavior is considered acceptable or strictly forbidden.

TIP! Unless you offer a distraction or stimulus, your dog will probably focus exclusively on a single thing. Once your dog knows his attention command, you will be able to coerce him to ignore almost anything.

When approaching a dog you’ve never met, approach them slowly and offer them the back of a hand to smell. This will give the dog time learn your scent and possibly trust you. After he knows you and your scent, it is easier to command him.

Disciplined leash walking is very important in dog training. Doing so is a matter of safety for both you and the dog when you take him for a walk.

TIP! When training your dogs, always use the same tone of voice and volume level when you give a command. These tones let your dog know that you are serious.

Don’t spend too long on a single training your dog session. If you spend a lot of time on only one thing, your dog can get bored and frustrated. The first few sessions especially should be kept under 10 minutes.

TIP! To reduce your dog’s barking, try to understand what is causing it. It might be something they hear or being exposed to people.

Use short training sessions. Since dogs have a tough time paying attention, you do not want to draw out the process. If more training is desired, work in some break times so your dog can play before continuing with training.

TIP! Be very mindful of the way you speak to your dog when you train him. Dogs are very empathic to their trainer’s emotions.

Bond with your puppy by making sure he learns his name before anything else. In the first days, frequently use your dog’s name, and reward him for responding when you call. This is the first set of commands you should teach your new puppy. It’s important to spend a lot of time playing with your puppy, this will help your puppy get to know you and learn to trust you. This will make it easier to train him as he gets older.

TIP! Changing your vocal tone depending on what you want to communicate will help train your dog. Commands, corrections and praise should all have their own tone in order to help your dog distinguish cause and effect with his and your behavior.

While you are in the process of housebreaking your puppy, expect the occasional accident to occur. Clean up any messes that are made immediately, so it doesn’t hamper your training efforts. Urine and feces smells will stay in the carpet if you don’t clean them up straight away, causing your dog to go back to the same place to do his business. Your local animal store may have numerous products to help eliminate this.

TIP! All dog trainers would be wise to introduce their dogs to social settings often. Your pet must know how to behave when it is around other humans and dogs – this isn’t something you could teach it otherwise.

The best way to train your dog is to use different tones of voices. Use a clearly defined tone for different commands, encouragement or directives. This makes it easier for the dog to link your expectations with different behaviors. You need to talk to them in a firm tone of voice if you are correcting them.

TIP! Your dog needs to have a good recall. Your dog needs to learn to return to you when he is called, under any circumstances.

Giving up is not an option when it comes to training your pet. Constant reinforcement and praise are essential when maintaining the training your dog learned in how to behave. The learning process for dogs is a constant one; with reminders and reinforcements needed along the way.

TIP! If you catch your puppy chewing on something that he shouldn’t be, stop him as soon as you catch him. This helps teach them that they cannot chew on some things and can help them leave your belongs alone when you’re not watching.

You should make training fun for both you and your dog. Keep your training sessions to a period of time that is less than 15 minutes. Reward quickly and consistently. You should lavish praises on your dog for following your instructions. Training your dog can be an enjoyable experience for both of you.

TIP! Big dogs who like to lie on their back or stretch out need a large sized bed. Large, rectangular beds are readily available, or you can purchase a crib mattress.

Now that the people who are interested in training their new pet dog have, hopefully, learned some new tricks, they can proceed to pass them along to their pets. Once a dog is on its way to learning, the owner will begin to appreciate the dedication that he or she has shown for doing the right thing for man’s best friend.

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Having Trouble Training Your Dog? Try These Great Tips!

May 12th, 2016 by admin2014

TIP! You will be able to allow your dog to do more as it learns. The key to a satisfying life for your dog is a balance of freedom and obedience.

Your happiness, as well as your dog’s, is based on its training. A well mannered dog shows what both of you know and expect from the other. After proper training there will be less to worry about and you will be able to live him or her home alone with confidence. It will not always be easy to train your dog. It takes a lot of time and effort to properly train a dog.

TIP! To improve the efficiency of your training routine, make sure your dog eats and poops at around the same time every day. This gives both you and the dog a heads up as to when they need to go outside, and you can make sure that happens before they make a mess indoors.

A new dog needs to feel safe and happy in their crate during training. Leave the crate door open and place food inside of it when it’s time to eat. This will create a good association between the crate and their food.

TIP! Begin the training with an easy to learn behavior. Not only will you get the instant gratification of your success, but also your dog will gain the important foundation of what an acceptable trick or behavior is.

Crate train your puppy in small steps, so that the training is most effective. Eventually they will become comfortable with the crate and you can then try to shut the door to the crate. When they allow the door to shut you can give them a treat through the wiring. Begin with small intervals, and work your way up to longer times. If the dog becomes agitated, slow down a little more to make them more comfortable.

TIP! One of the very first commands you should teach a new puppy is the “leave it” command, which tells them to drop an item and step back from it. It ensures they don’t eat food they shouldn’t, chew on items not intended to be chewed on or even pick up dangerous or poisonous items in their mouth.

If you have to give your dog a verbal correction, be sure that they are sharp, to the point, and short. Don’t scream and yell and throw a fit. Say no and give them a command to do the right thing. Be sure your command tone of voice gets their attention and shows that you’re serious.

TIP! Make a point to enjoy your time with your dog while you are training. The two of you playing together will help build a strong bond, and that will encourage your dog to positively respond to the training.

You have to be consistent with the crate training of your new puppy. When you allow the puppy to come out of the crate, you have to immediately and without fail give him the chance to relieve his bladder. Eventually, they will wait until it’s the right time to go to the bathroom.

TIP! Make sure that your dog will not need to engage in any type of response when you deny him. Positive reinforcement is the best method for dog training.

Keep in mind that you’ll have to do a lot of repetition in order to each your dog new commands. It may take as many as fifty repetitions before your dog learns the command. Keep trying the same commands until your dog remembers it for good.

TIP! You need to be use rewards and positive reinforcers when you are training your pet. Sweet treats or gentle petting are great rewards when the dog is behaving properly.

When potty training your pup, remember that whatever he eats must come out. To keep your puppies toiletry habits regular, feed him a high quality food 2-3 times a day at the same time each day. Doing this will provide you with some idea of when you should let your puppy go outside to use the restroom. This will decrease the risk of any accidents.

TIP! Control your tone of voice when reinforcing your dog’s behavior, whether positive or negative. Dogs can easily sense how their owners or trainers feel.

Be prepared to reward the dog as soon as it completes a positive behavior. You want to teach your pooch that good behavior is beneficial. This is the proper way to make sure that your dog learns the difference between right and wrong.

TIP! When you are training your dog with a leash, try to ensure that the leash is loose. Dogs love exploring when they get to walk.

Puppy training is mostly about being consistent with your pooch and setting the rules of your relationship. Once those are set, you’ll find you both enjoy your time together even more! You must continue to reinforce what you are teaching your dog. Constantly review what you have taught him and correct any issues. Once your dog learns the basic training skills, the sky is the limit!

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Helpful Techniques To Train Your Family Dog

May 10th, 2016 by admin2014

TIP! Consider things from your dog’s perspective. It’s easy to get irritated with them when they aren’t learning the basics quickly or even at all.

Training your dog well will lead to happiness for the both of you. When your dog is trained, both of you know what you can expect. After training your dog, you will feel more comfortable when you have visitors, take him out for walks, or leave him alone at home. It will not always be easy to train your dog. It takes a lot of time and effort to properly train a dog.

TIP! Consistency is key in crate training a puppy. When he comes out of the crate, you must immediately allow him to relieve himself in an appropriate place.

When crate training your new puppy or dog, there are a few tricks you can apply. If the dog doesn’t want to get in the crate try putting a chew toy in it and close the gate when they’re not there. Your dog will want to get into the crate in order to eat the treat. After your dog goes into the crate, give positive reinforcement to increase the chance that he will go into the crate again.

TIP! Train your dog on a regular basis to make sure he understands the rules of the house. Some dog owners make the mistake of thinking that once training has ended, no further action is required.

When doing crate training, train your dog incrementally rather than trying to do it all at once. When they seem comfortable in it with the door open, try shutting the gate and feed them treats through the wires. Use small increments of time, and build them up as your puppy or dog becomes more relaxed with the process. If the dog becomes upset, then you need to take a step back and slow down the training.

TIP! Teaching any dog how to roll over can be pretty easy. Make sure you’ve got a few tasty treats handy before beginning.

Look at it in your dog’s point of view. You need to exercise patience with your pet, even if you think he should be learning at a faster rate. Instead of being frustrated, try to think like your dog. Imagining things as they see things may give you a different perspective in training them.

Stay Calm

TIP! When house training your pup, you should adhere to a regular schedule of feeding and elimination. This will help you better understand when your dog needs to go outside, so he doesn’t go on the carpet and ruin it.

Whenever you’re rewarding your dog for good behavior, make sure you stay calm and in control. Once your dog follows your command, reward his behavior. You may feel great about it, but you don’t want to make the pup feel over-excited. Stay calm, have them be calm, and reward them for appropriate behavior.

TIP! Among the initial commands a dog should learn is “leave it,” which instructs the dog to drop whatever it has and step away from it. This will help prevent them from chewing on your furniture or other items, as well as prevent them from having dangerous items in their mouths.

Approach an unfamiliar dog slowly, offering only the backside of your hand for his inspection. This helps the dog become familiar with your scent and engenders trust. When a dog recognizes the scent, they won’t fear you and will follow commands.

TIP! Be careful not to spend too much time at once training your dog. Devoting strict amounts of time to any particular aspect of training will have your dog feeling distracted and bored.

Teach your dog not to bark with a simple command. When he barks, show him his favorite treat, and repeat the command. “Quiet” works well. Then, you can award your dog with a treat. If you repeat this long enough, your dog will associate the treat and then the order with being quiet.

TIP! Use primary reinforcement to train your dog. You need to give your dog a treat if they are good.

Know about what kind of grooming your dog may need. Dogs coats vary from very short to coats that have to be regularly groomed. This will keep your dog fresh and reduce the chance of illness.

TIP! Watch the tone you use when you discipline your dog. Your pet is very in tune with your emotions.

A useful tip for canine training is to avoid rewarding the dog for bad behavior. This will only teach the dog that it can do what it wants and has power over you. An example would be a scenario in which you give your dog treats whenever it barks.

TIP! If you try to fit too much training in all at once, your puppy will get bored or overwhelmed. Puppies have short attention spans, therefore keep your sessions short and provide ample amounts of praise.

Training your dog establishes the rules of a dog/owner relationship and once the rules have been set down, both you and your dog will have a much more enjoyable relationship. Keep in mind that you must continue to reinforce everything you have taught your dog. If he deviates from any acceptable behavior, you need to correct this right away, and work every day to make sure that he is remembering what you have taught him. Once your dog knows the basics, his ability to do anything is near limitless.

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