Have Fido Acting His Best With These Puppy Training Ideas

September 26th, 2013 by admin2014

TIP! When you are training a pet you need to speak to them in a even and stern tone. Maintaining the same tone lets your dog know that you are serious and they should obey your commands.

If you have no clue where to start, take heart — you have already made a start by reading this article. The information you have been seeking is right in the article you are reading now.

TIP! Putting your dog on a regular schedule of feeding and walks will help to regulate his system, so he will be easier to house train. This can help you avoid accidents on the carpet by becoming aware of when the dog needs to go.

If you are crate training your dog, you need to show them that this is where they will sleep. When you feed him, feed him inside the crate, and keep the door open while he is in there eating. This will help him associate good things with his crate.

TIP! Your dog should exercise a minimum of one hour per day. Also, ensure that you regularly train your dog and take him or her out for bathroom breaks.

You can use a few tricks when crate training your dog or puppy. Place a treat inside the crate and shut its gate in front of your dog. A tempting bone will prove too hard to resist, and the dog will be panting to get into the crate in no time. When he does, praise him for it so he knows it was a good thing to do.

TIP! Avoiding accidents entirely is the best way to toilet train a dog. Watch for signals that your dog has to go out to relieve himself.

Crate train your puppy in small steps, so that the training is most effective. When they are comfy with the open door, try closing it and feeding them treats via the wires. Keep the gate closed for short periods of time, and work your way up to longer times. If they start to fuss, you are going too fast.

TIP! Use the dog’s name as much as possible to ensure that it pays attention. Early in your dog ownership, you should use your dog’s name several times a day, so he starts to understand that you want his attention.

Timing is critical during canine training; you need to take the time training, but don’t overdo it. Start with a quick session initially, adding time with successive training periods. You will see how long your training sessions should be before you lose your dog’s attention.

TIP! Treats are great incentives when training a dog; however, treats can cause a dog to become overweight, so limit the number offered. It’s easy to overlook the treats, but the do add up, especially when you’re doing a lot of training.

Make sure the diet you are feeding your dog is healthy and nutritious. There are many reasons why bad diets are bad news for your pet. It can negatively impact a dog’s health and disposition. Training may very well go easier when dogs are given the proper nutrients in a healthful diet.

TIP! If you use a leash to train your dog, keep it loose. When a dog gets the chance to explore new sights, sounds and smells on a walk, he often becomes very excitable.

Do your best to keep your dog active through the day. Dogs can become bored very easily. If you do not have the full attention of your dog, they will be difficult to train. Dogs are more inclined to obey when they are regularly taken out for exercise and happily accepted as a member of your family. Regularly take a walk or run with your dog.

TIP! Stay as consistent as possible if you want your dog to learn how to delay going to the bathroom. Pay attention to your dog when you are home, and take it out regularly.

Do not tie a couple of dogs closely together. Their chains could get tangled up and as they struggle to get free; there is a good chance the dogs can get injured. Situations like this can cause dogs of various sizes to cause fatal injuries if not properly monitored. Always err on the side of caution.

TIP! You should keep all of the training session pretty short. You should use at most 15 minutes for training.

Early on, always have a tasty treat on hand to immediately reward your dog for responding to a command. The treat helps your dog to know that you think he has done well. This is the best way to ensure that the dog understands the difference between right and wrong.

TIP! Training should be an enjoyable activity for your dog. Keep the sessions between 10-15 minutes, as this is about the attention span of most dogs.

Remember to have patience when it comes to training your dog. This will cause you not to be frustrated and angry with your dog during this process. Keep in mind that dogs do wish to please their owners, but cannot always understand what is desired of them.

TIP! Always be consistent when you are training your dog. Have a list of your commands, and make sure that whomever else gives your canine commands knows these, too.

If you want to make sure your dog will behave throughout life, it’s important that you always train them. You do not have to stop training them as a puppy. By reinforcing their behavior, you can ensure you dog will continue to obey. Also, by disciplining negative behaviors you can ensure your dog will be well behaved.

TIP! Using a crate is an effective way to house train your dog. Be sure to let your dog out regularly and on a consistent schedule to make crate training effective.

Start leash training by playing with your puppy while he is wearing his collar. Having the dog comfortable in wearing its collar is crucial and it will be able to give the dog its identification in case it takes it off.

TIP! A dog being afraid is the number one reason he will bite someone. Fear biting occurs if a dog feels trapped, threatened, or frightened.

If you are consistent, your puppy can learn to “hold it.” When you are at home, spend time with your dog and take him outside every hour. If he goes outside to the toilet, praise him. Don’t punish a puppy for pottying inside. Yelling does not teach, and the dog won’t understand why you’re upset. Take your dog out soon after meals and after coming out of the crate.

TIP! To keep dogs from digging in your trash, make sure they’re fed enough and have plenty of items to play with. Never put items in the trash that your dogs would not be safe eating.

Hopefully this article has provided you with some very helpful information about training your dog, which you can put to immediate use. It is very important to have the right information before you begin training your new dog.

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