How To Teach Your Dog To Behave

September 23rd, 2017 by admin2014

TIP! When crate training a new puppy or dog, help the dog realize that the crate is its home. When you feed him, feed him inside the crate, and keep the door open while he is in there eating.

You love your dog like a member of your own family, so harsh training methods might be out of the question for you and your pooch. This article will help you train your dog properly while having fun with your pet. Education is the key to success and educating yourself on how to train your pooch is the first step to take.

TIP! When you verbally correct your dog, do it quickly and concisely. Do not whine and complain to your pet about their bad behavior.

Reward your dog’s good behavior. Immediately after the animal acts in accordance with your command, reward him. This helps to calm the animal and reinforce your training efforts. You may feel great about it, but you don’t want to make the pup feel over-excited. Stay calm, have them be calm, and reward them for appropriate behavior.

TIP! You will have to repeat commands several times before your dog learns it. It’s very common to repeat a command up to 50 times before your dog can learn it.

You should never tether two dogs in close proximity to one another. The two chains could get tangled up. This could panic you dogs as he tries to get free and he could potentially hurt himself. A larger dog could cause a tangle so bad that the smaller dog could be choked by the leash.

TIP! Refrain from using shock collars and similar training devices. These things rarely work as promised, and they’re usually much more expensive compared to the traditional training methods.

You need a commanding control if you are starting to train your dog. Your dog must understand that you’re in control, so that he knows to obey and respect you. When you walk your dog, walk in front of him to establish leadership.

TIP! Be prepared to reward the dog as soon as it completes a positive behavior. Your dog should realize why you are happy with him.

When it’s time to introduce house training to your dog, put him on a consistent schedule of eating and elimination. This gives you important forehand knowledge to prevent accidents and your dog an association of cause and effect to follow. Conversely, this also teaches your dog that he may need to wait to go to the bathroom.

TIP! When training your pet, see to it that you get its attention all the time. Begin commands by using his name.

Whenever the dog jumps upon you, grab its paws and give them a soft squeeze so they know it is not okay to jump on humans. As long as you gently squeeze their paws, you won’t cause harm to your dog. Instead, you’ll just give them an comfortable feeling. They learn that if they want to avoid that discomfort, they need to refrain from jumping up.

TIP! Be certain to maintain consistency in training. If multiple family members are involved in a pet’s training, make sure everyone is using the same commands and a similar system of discipline and rewards.

Exercise your dog at least an hour everyday in addition to its regular potty breaks outside. Being sure they have enough exercise time can ease training efforts and encourage proper behavior from them. A dog that’s well exercised is a responsive and content dog.

Primary Reinforcement

TIP! Don’t give up on training your dog, no matter what. While it may be frustrating at times, if you don’t persevere and constantly reinforce the teachings to the dog, your efforts will be wasted.

Primary reinforcement is an important part of any training program. With primary reinforcement, you use something that your dog loves when it needs to be rewarded for positive behavior. Primary reinforcement could be treats or giving your dog a belly rub. By doing this method of training, your dog will learn that in order to get what they want, they must do what you want.

TIP! When training, only use short sessions. Training sessions should be no longer than fifteen minutes at a time to help ensure success.

You should always call your dog in the same way. Try to use the dog’s name in the start of the command. This will get his attention, and then you can tell him what to do. Using your dog’s name lets him know you want his attention.

TIP! Teach your dog to get “down”. It can be very useful during emergencies and also serves as a great foundation for future lessons.

“Quiet” is a command you will probably want to teach your dog. The next time your dog barks, let him see a treat and give the order for him to be quiet; repeat this until your dog stops barking. At this time, give the treat to your dog. If you continue to repeat this, the dog will figure out that it gets a treat if it is quiet when you say so.

TIP! It may be difficult, but you should always exercise patience around your dog. Your dog isn’t fluent in English after all.

Varying your vocal tones to suit different purposes can be helpful in training your dog. Your commands, praise, and scoldings should have different tones so that your dog can distinguish between them. Stand firm and be sharp when using commands. Use louder tones for corrections, and use your natural tone when giving praise.

TIP! Make sure you are consistent when you train your dog. Write down a list of all the commands you use, and inform anyone who commands the dog to use the words on the list.

By reading this article, you have taken the first step in training your furry friend. When you follow the tips presented here, you will be able to understand your dog’s needs and train appropriately. Small tips can make a huge difference.

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