Show Your Dog Who’s Boss With These Great Tips

February 1st, 2017 by admin2014

TIP! You should have a specific feeding pattern for your dog. Develop a feeding schedule, and be consistent with the routines so you can teach your dog what to expect and how to behave.

Many people are attempting to have a cleaner homes nowadays, and a big factor is is having a properly trained dog. Many people do not know effective training techniques. Tips like the ones in this article should help you do that.

TIP! Make sure that your dog stays awake and active. Dogs require mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy.

Crate training is very beneficial, but there can be difficulties that the following tips can help with. Many dogs are intimidated by the crate. To cure this, place something they enjoy in it and shut the door. The puppy will want to enter the kennel to retrieve the treat. When they go inside to get the bone, give them lots of positive reinforcement.

TIP! You should never tether two dogs in close proximity to one another. The dogs could get wrapped up and they may be injured.

Timing is critical during dog training; you need to take the time training, but don’t overdo it. Gradually increase the amount of time you spend training them each session. You will see how long your training sessions should be before you lose your dog’s attention.

TIP! It is very easy to teach a pooch to roll over as long as you have some tasty treats on hand. The dog has to lay down first.

Once your pet is able to progress through training sessions, you’ll be able to loosen the reins somewhat. Maintaining a proper balance between obeying your commands and having some freedom will lead to a happier dog. Just be cautious not to give too much freedom at once, as this may have a counter effect on your dog training.

Punishing Tone

TIP! Every day, try to allow your pet to have an hour or so of exercise. This is on top of regular training lessons and restroom breaks.

When training your dogs, always use the same tone of voice and volume level when you give a command. The tone should be firm, so your dog understands that you are issuing a command, not a suggestion. It also helps them understand the differences between a sharp punishing tone and a sharp non-punishing tone.

TIP! Wearing out a puppy with too much training and information, will be extremely counterproductive. Puppies can only handle small amounts of training, so it is best to keep training to short but intense periods of time.

Early in your training, teach your new pup to “leave it.” This command tells him to drop the item and step away. This basic command is extremely helpful when your dog is chewing on something he shouldn’t and also helps to keep him away from dangerous items.

TIP! You should always try to be aware of any other dogs when you are going for a walk with your dog. There are some dogs that are aggressive for reasons that have nothing to do with their owners.

Whenever your dog jumps onto you, grab their paw and gentle squeeze to make sure they understand that jumping is not good behavior. It’s uncomfortable, but not painful. After a while, they’ll stop jumping due to this uncomfortable feeling.

TIP! Rewarding bad behavior ruins the lesson you’re trying to teach them. If you do, he’ll think he’s the boss.

Use your dog’s name as many times as you can, this will keep his attention on you. Use it constantly in the first few weeks that you have your dog: your puppy should associate this sound with paying attention to you. Choose a puppy name that sounds differently than other words your puppy may hear throughout the day.

TIP! If you are traveling with dogs, make sure to pack everything that your dog needs to eat, sleep and use the bathroom. When you come prepared with plenty of supplies, you will be able to enjoy your trip.

Teach your puppy to wear a collar while playing before you train him to use a leash. The pup must become accustomed to wearing the collar in order for you to use its leash. It is also necessary for hanging ID tags.

TIP! If you wish to participate in agility classes, be sure to choose a breed of dog that does well with this sort of activity. Some of the better dogs for agility training include Shetland sheepdogs, Labrador retrievers, border collies, and Australian shepherds; however, most breeds are able to participate in agility training successfully.

When your dog is displaying unwanted behaviors, use water to spray him. This technique will show your dog that the behavior is unacceptable. Then your dog will no longer do actions that you don’t like.

TIP! Consider the size of your dog when purchasing a bed. There are big, long dog beds around for larger dogs, or you could look for a mattress taken from a crib.

Praise your dog to reinforce good actions. Get excited, smile, and give treats to help your dog relate the good behavior to something positive. Having these same reactions to bad behavior will teach your dog that whatever they are doing is okay.

TIP! One of the ways to make a dog more easy to train is to have the dog fixed at six months. You should have him or her spayed or neutered along with taking him or her to obedience classes.

There is no denying that dogs possess certain innate urges and behaviors, and therefore it is necessary that they be allowed to exhibit them on occasion. Dogs need a healthy diet, a place where they can run, and items to keep them occupied.

TIP! Your dog should not get a cold voice from you because of a personal conflict with another human or the fact you got stuck in traffic. Always use a positive tone of voice with your dog unless they have done something wrong.

With the advice in the article above, you should have a good idea on how to properly train your dog. You need to come up with techniques that you will be able to use everyday. When you have do this, you will soon have behaved dog.

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