Stupid Dog? Simple Tricks To Make Him Listen

November 9th, 2017 by admin2014

TIP! Trying to understand how your dog is feeling. Dog training can get extremely frustrating at times, especially when your dog isn’t learning commands that you think are very simple.

Are you inexperienced in training your dog? If so, you may not know the best approaches to take to make your training sessions the most productive. Training a dog is not that hard once you learn a few pointers. Below you will find several helpful hints for tackling common training your dog problems.

TIP! Your dog needs to get plenty of exercise. Dogs can get bored easily.

Training your dog requires generous rewards that are given correctly. Reward your dog with some treats right after they obey an order. Make sure to give your dog the treats at the proper time, to encourage good behavior.

Stay Calm

TIP! Try a phrase that you will stick with to train your puppy when you are house breaking him or her. When it’s time for him to go outside to do his business, say “Elimination Device.

Make sure you remain controlled when rewarding your dog. If the dog follows commands correctly, you should reward the animal only if it is calm. You might be happy about the progress your dog has made but you need to quell your excitment. Stay calm and the dog will stay calm, and you’ll be able to reward it.

TIP! Have a good treat ready for your dog when it completes something that you ask. After all, the point of rewarding him is to show him that he is following good behavior.

Avoid restraining two dogs too closely together. They could tangle the chains in such a way so that one or both of the dogs are stuck or injured. If one dog happens to be much larger than the other, the small dog could get tangled to the point that it could choke to death.

TIP! You should train your dog to walk properly on his leash. This will make your walks together a pleasure and not a source of frustration.

Choose a crate that fits your dog properly and use it to crate train them. Keep in mind that puppies get bigger. Choose a crate that is sure to be the right proportions for the adult dog you will eventually have. There should be ample room for the dog to lie down and turn comfortably.

TIP! Be patient when training a dog. Patience is the best way to keep your dog from becoming confused and for you to remain calm.

Never reinforce your dog’s bad behaviors. Never give your dog any treats or special attention for doing bad things. For instance, don’t pat your dog on the head if it’s jumping up on you.

TIP! Always call your dog’s attention by doing the same thing. Begin commands by using his name.

It is not difficult to teach a dog how to roll over, and having some treats on hand makes it easier. Start by commanding the animal to lie down. The next step is to hold a treat close to the floor by the dog’s head then continue to move the treat over his head until you reach the other side. Your dog is probably going to follow the treat in your hand with his nose, which means he will rollover his whole body. Whenever you dog does roll over, actually say the words, “roll over.” Continue to do this until your dog actually rolls over whenever you say the words without using the treat. It will take some work, but keep on trying!

Shock Collars

TIP! If you’re bringing your dog on a trip, don’t forget all it’s supplies. Pack his feeding bowls, potty bags, toys, blankets and everything else needed for his care and comfort.

Stay away from training devices such as shock collars. They are both expensive and unlikely to work properly. Also, shock collars and like devices are just not nice things to use. This kind of approach often ends in disaster.

TIP! It is critical that you teach your dog the difference between correct and incorrect behaviors. This will require firm boundaries from everybody in your house.

As you are working to house train your pet, select a single term or phrase that you will use. Tell the dog a phrase, like “go potty!”, whenever you go outside to help your dog keep the goal of going outside in mind.

TIP! If you keep training sessions positive, your dog will always look forward to them. Training sessions should be kept to 10-15 minutes maximum so your dog enjoys the full benefits of his attention span.

As your dog progresses in training, you can provide more freedom. The key to a satisfying life for your dog is a balance of freedom and obedience. Just be cautious not to give too much freedom at once, as this may have a counter effect on your puppy training.

TIP! Patience and dogs go hand-in-hand. Remember that your dog thinks differently than you and they do not speak our language.

Clearly, good dog training technique is useful in teaching your dog everyday commands as well as fancy tricks. After following these tips, you will no longer be new to puppy training, instead you will be on your way to becoming a dog training expert.

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