Turn Him Into Your Best Friend

October 16th, 2015 by admin2014

TIP! Use control to acknowledge positive behavior while training. Once your dog follows your command, reward his behavior.

In some ways a dog is similar to a remote that needs programming to work with your television. The potential is there, but without intervention, it is useless. Dogs are inborn to learn training, but need the help of their owner.

TIP! You must stay consistent while you are crate training young puppies. If you remove the pup from the crate, see to it that he has the means to go potty.

There are different tricks you can try when you are crate training your dog. If your dog does not want to go into the crate but one of his favorite toys inside and close the door. The puppy will want to enter the kennel to retrieve the treat. Once they enter the crate, be sure to praise them to show that what they did was good.

Stay Calm

TIP! As you begin training your dog, create a verbal cue that allows your pet to understand the exact moment that they correctly complete your command. Using a positive word such as “yes” will fill the time between the performance of the desired behavior and the delivery of the reward.

When your dog behaves well in a training session, reward him in a calm manner. If the dog follows commands correctly, you should reward the animal only if it is calm. This will help to excite your dog and leave you in complete control. Stay calm and the dog will stay calm, and you’ll be able to reward it.

TIP! Be consistent with your dog training to make sure your animal stays obedient to the rules it has been learning. A lot of owners will train their dogs once and not conduct any refreshers.

Avoid restraining two dogs too closely together. This is due to the fact that they could become tangled in each others cords and end up injuring themselves when trying to get free. Particularly in the case of a large dog and a small dog, the animals may get so tangled that the smaller dog has his airway cut off and dies.

TIP! Choose a set phrase for house training your dog. Use the same word or phrase each time you bring him out to go to the bathroom so that he understands what you want him to do and makes a memory link between the phrase and the act.

Decide on a specific command phrase for your pup during house training. When you take your dog out, repeat this command. This will help him form an association between being taken outside and doing his business.

TIP! Start small when you begin to work on training your dog to give your dog an easy start. This will be great for immediate gratification, and your dog will begin to understand what you expect along the way.

Be sure to keep your treats close by when you’re training your dog. They need to know that the behavior they have done is exactly what you wanted them to do. This can establish right from wrong quickly and efficiently.

TIP! You must be firm with your dog in order to train it effectively. However, that doesn’t mean yelling at your dog.

As you encounter unfamiliar dogs, make certain to advance with care and let the dog smell your hand. This will give the dog time learn your scent and possibly trust you. The dog will no longer be afraid after he is able to recongnize the scent and may begin to follow commands.

TIP! Use your dog’s name when you can, as it will help to get your dog to pay attention. Over time and repetition, the dog will begin to understand their name and that they are being spoken to.

You have to be firm during training your dog. However, don’t be too demanding or cruel as you want to be a loving master. This approach helps to reinforce your relationship with the animal.

TIP! When training a dog it is important to teach him good habits from the start. Trying to change bad behaviors after the fact is far more difficult than teaching them the good ones right away.

If your dog’s barking is driving you nuts, you might try acclimating the animal to whatever stimuli is causing the undesirable excitement. Triggers can include strangers, loud sounds or new places. This will help your dog understand that barking is unnecessary.

TIP! A squirt of water in your dog’s face can discourage biting and scratching behaviors. This helps show him that you will not tolerate certain behaviors.

You need to know if there are other dogs around when you are out walking your dog. You have no idea how well trained the other dog is. If you come across a dog that seems aggressive avoid it.

TIP! Your dog’s grooming needs are a key part of training. There are breeds that are very low maintenance, while others may require weekly grooming sessions.

Be aware of special grooming requirements your dog might need. Certain breeds may require lots of weekly grooming; however, others may need very little or no grooming. Grooming accomplishes many things for your dog, including happiness, cleanliness and protection from diseases.

TIP! Understand that your every action is teaching your dog and shaping his personality. You don’t want to undo training you’re worked hard on, so watch what you do at all times.

When it comes to training your dog, never give up. Your canine will need to constantly be reinforced, or what you teach them can be forgotten. Training your dog should be as consistent as feeding or taking him or her outside.

TIP! Make training fun for you and your dog. Keep training sessions to more than 10 to 15 minutes to stay within your dogs’ attention span.

Make training fun for you and your dog. Your dog will enjoy training sessions most and be able to pay attention well if lessons are short. Ten to fifteen minutes is a good guideline. The reward system can be generous and filled with surprises. Give your dog plenty of praise and affection for his hard work and efforts. If your dog enjoys the training exercises, the dog is more likely to be responsive.

TIP! Challenge your dog on a regular basis. Get him to repeat tricks you haven’t practiced in a while, to keep him sharp.

When teaching your dog how to sit, hold a treat above him while he’s standing. Move the treat just above the dog’s head, moving a hand behind the dog. As your dog follows your hand with his nose, he will look upward. When your dog looks upward, he has a natural tendency to sit.

TIP! If you speak your dog’s name in an effort to scold or warn him, you should also try to utter it in more positive ways. He must not think that his name is a negative word.

Once you have worked with your dog and taught him what you want him to know, you just need to practice these skills. The dog enjoys pleasing its owner in the same way the owner enjoys seeing the dog respond to the training they’re administering.

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